Tuesday, September 4, 2012

CO Trip- Day 2

On Saturday we drove back to Vail for Jeremy's race with my cousin David.  Maddox loved the gondolas and wanted to just ride it over and over.  We got to ride to the top while Jeremy's race was running to the top starting at about 9,000 ft up to almost 12,000 ft over 7.5 miles.  He said it was a challenge, especially since he's not used to the altitude and we'd only been there 1 day!
 David, the girls, and I hanging out on Vail Mtn. while we waited for Jeremy.
 Maddox thought it was pretty cool that we were ABOVE the clouds!
 He made it!
 That night David took us out for some sushi.  The girls had noodles for the first time and loved them.  They also don't hate sushi, but don't love it either.  Noodles are cheaper then.  But we sure did enjoy the sushi and saki!!

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