Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmassy Day

Maddox loves to play with Jessi. Jessi . . . not so much. If I tell Jessi to stay she will though, reluctantly. One morning Maddox wanted to curl up with Jessi in her bed with her "kankie" and she lay there quite a while talking to her. This morning we went and had breakfast with Santa at a nearby church. She was not at all interested in seeing Santa and reluctant to sit on his lap. I knew she'd never cry though, as that would draw more attention to her than she'd ever want. She just sat on his lap holding very still and staring off into space. She's probably thinking "if I don't move too much or make a peep maybe this won't last long". As you can see, she wouldn't even relax her arms--she might accidentally touch this strange man!

Maddox was a lot more comfortable with Elmo. She had no problem going up to him and sitting down on his sled.
When we got back home we made puppy chow. She stood up on the step stool to help and loved it. She's not much help at all, but she liked to think she was. Of course, she got to lick the spatula after we were done . . . with Mommy's help . . .

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

For Thanksgiving we went to Nashville again this year. We're never sure when it'll be the last year we see Memo, but there's always another one! Memo just adores Maddox. Maddox will sit with her in bed for a long time. I think she's too afraid to move. It makes Memo happy though and Maddox doesn't seem to mind.
On Friday we went up to Uncle Rob's house to ride the horse. He hooked the buggy up to Stomper and we all rode that. Maddox didn't want to get off so she rode it with me and with Aunt Jennifer. I forgot my camera but Jennifer took pictures. I just don't have them yet. After that we went up to the house where Maddox watched a movie with Graham and Isaac, my cousin Robert's kids.
After we had pizza it was time for cookies with cousin Emily at the little kid's table.
Maddox got pretty tired Friday night with all the relatives and staying up late and getting up early with the time difference. She finally just laid down on the floor with her "kankie" and cousin Ben. I think she liked Ben. A little later we found her laying on TOP of Ben just staring at him.
Out in the corner of Memo's back yard the big kids built a fort. That was also Jessi's favorite place to poop so we had a few dirty shoes. Pretty creative fort though!
We drove back from Nashville on Saturday and got home about midnight. So we actually got some sleep! On Sunday we put up the Christmas decorations and raked the leaves into a pile for Maddox. She doesn't quite get that it's supposed to be fun to run and jump in the leaves. She won't do it. When I put her in the pile sitting down she looks very uncomfortable and wants out. Still to itchy I guess. She did want to help rake the leaves though, but unsuccessfully. Grammy made her this princess dress and gave it to her in Nashville. She thinks it's itchy too and says "ouchie" while she has it on if there's nothing underneath. We let her put it on over her clothes and there were no ouchies this time.

The Christmas tree is up and a few presents are out and Maddox hasn't been too bad about the decorations on the tree or opening presents. She loves the lights and asks me first thing in the morning "lights on?" A few weeks until Christmas then we get to go to FL for almost 2 weeks!