Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Slow Death of a Camera

Here's the story of the demise of my camera . . . and cute Maddox (and Camden in this one). My two blue eyed kids. Well, not MINE, but you know what I mean. Or most of you do. She's already taking after her mommy. Laying out with the shades on. Always got to have a cup of water when you're laying out. Of course I was actually laying OUT, she was laying IN. But, notice the strip going across her face . . . at least it's in color. We usually have to hit the camera a few times to get the color to work right.
We went to a park last weekend to play frisbee golf. It was Maddox and Daddy versus Jessi and Mommy. I don't know who had the more raw end of the deal. Jeremy said his partner hindered his throw (I think that was more attributed to the $1 frisbees we had) or my partner who wanted to chase and fetch every throw. I took Jessi her own frisbee but she'd just chase hers, then drop it and chase J's then drop it and chase mine. She ended up on the leash obviously which wasn't much better. But hey, at least my partner could see. Poor Maddox had this hat over eyes most of the time. Eventually she fell asleep and got whiplash every time Jeremy threw. Oh yeah, notice, no more color . . . .

So the next day I took a picture of Maddox laying her Dad's lap. Pretty sure the camera's done. M's a little warped. Even after you hit it, nothing happens. Guess we hit it a little too much. Even Jessi's screwed up. Is this what the world looks like when you're on drugs?

So guess what I'm getting for my birthday? If we can wait that long. It may be a pre-birthday gift. More pictures to come when I can!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Miss Maddox's laugh may be little but it's there and it's so cute! Just hearing it brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh too!

She also laughs when you hold her up in the air above your head and go up and down. Cracks us up!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pets and M

Here's some pictures to prove how our pets are very tolerant of Maddox. Or just plain lazy, I'm not sure which. Well, actually I am. Take a guess.

Gabbey loves Maddox's bouncy seat. She sits in it more than M does. She loves it so much she refused to move out of it. She used to move when I yelled at her, then it took me coming towards her with the baby, and now she doesn't even move for that. They sat this way for a few minutes before I got tired of watching since I obviously couldn't leave M alone on top of a cat.

And here's how helpful my family is at night. Jeremy says "I'm going to bed" (where Jessi and Maddox have already been for 2 hours but in their own separate beds) and I get to move the car in, lock all the doors, feed the cats, turn off the lights and tv, wash my face, clean out the litter box when I see that Hailey won't make it through the night without it, and feed Maddox. Lucky Jeremy. But aren't they a cute little family? And again, M gets to lay on another warm cozy animal.
Tonight I WILL remember to put the video I have on a dvd and bring it here to put online. I've said that for 2 days now.
Oh, and Maddox is doing great in her own room. The first night I had to get up 3 times to plug her, the next 2 times, and since then none at all. She's slept until 5:30 or 6 by herself. Now if I can just get over the paranoia of her being in her own room and trust that someone's not going to sneak in and steal her. I spend lots of the night listening for sounds other than Maddox through the monitor and going to check on what I hear. I'm sure I'll get over it with time. I hope. I think I sleep less peacefully now than I have since she's been born!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

We had a pretty good first Mother's Day! Other than the fact that it was chilly, cloudy, rainy, and I had a sore throat . . . Put that aside and it was good! Mom and Dad were here because Maddox got dedicated at church yesterday. She started to get fussy because she just wanted to go to sleep but I got her through it. We were supposed to go get pictures taken today at JC penney but they had to reschedule me. So now I have to go Friday by myself. You know how I am about decisions! And putting on her gown by myself is difficult sometimes too. We'll see how that goes.

Along with yesterday being dedication day and Mother's day it was Maddox's 3 month birthday! It's hard to believe she's 3 months old already! I always said that around 3 months I'd move her from her bassinett in my room to her crib in her room. She's giving me no reason not to since she's sleeping through the night. For the past couple of weeks she's being sleeping until 6 or 7 in the morning. I put her to bed around 8pm and then feed her again at 10:30ish and she sleeps all night. I've also been letting her sleep in her crib between 8 and that late feeding and she's been fine in there. She still won't nap in there during the day but that's okay because we're hardly ever there during the day. Once she's sleeping in there all night she'll probably get more used to it and sleep there more in the day on the weekend when we're home. For her long daytime nap I'm perfectly content right now to cuddle with her and hold her and nap myself! She'll take short 30 min. naps by herself throughout the day, but for the long one she sleeps much better if I cuddle with her. Right now that works for me too!

Maddox got me mulch for Mother's Day so Dad and Jeremy are there now picking up a truckload. It's chilly and very windy here today too but I guess we'll spend the afternoon working in the yard. This morning Jeremy's going to babysit Camden and my parents and I are going out shopping and wandering around the arts district. I'm glad it worked out that way because Camden has pneumonia so I don't want to bring Maddox to work anyway. I'm hoping my sore throat doesn't turn into pneumonia. And I really hope Maddox doesn't catch anything! She seemed grumpy yesterday and had weird eating habits . Eating every two hours and such.

She's pretty happy in this picture though! I must have just fed her. She just loves the lights and music on the activity gym! It makes her so happy!

I almost forgot the other good Mother's day news! It has nothing to do with us really but it's neat for my friend and neighbor Jennifer! She had her baby on Mother's day! Grady was 7 lbs 9 oz. ( not nearly as big as they thought) and she had a great experience. No horror stories at all. What more could you ask for on Mother's day! I hope I get to go meet him today since he and Maddox will be great play buddies! I need to check him out first, see if he's okay for her. I'm so excited for her and Chris! Welcome to motherhood Jenn!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Daddy Graduated!

Well, Jeremy's finally done with school! Last night was his pinning ceremony. Basically it was graduation for just the radiography students that lasted only an hour versus the whole school which would be about 4 hours. He and one other student (good job Shana!) got plaques for getting a 4.0. My camera is just terrible and I will be looking today for a new one. But here he is receiving his plaque.

And here he is after the ceremony with his little girl. Notice that he does have his ARRT pin on his lapel. Looking official in his white jacket . . .

We went out for dinner afterwards and weighed job opportunites . . . What to do!?!? Dinner was also mildly amusing because of course Maddox was ready to eat by that time. So I just got out a blanket and nursed her at the table. Our waiter would not make eye contact with me. He faced Jeremy the whole time and when he took my order he stared at the table. I guess I made him a little uncomfortable huh? But that's life, get over it. But it gave us a good laugh at his expense.
Yesterday I forced Maddox to have some tummy time. She doesn't really enjoy that. Usually I just lay on my back and put her on my shins while I do crunches and she lifts her head that way. Or I lay her across my lap on her tummy which she enjoys. Or I make her do little baby sit-ups where I pull her up and down and make her use her neck to pull up her head. But I made her do actual tummy time yesterday and she didn't hate it immediately.

All of Jeremy's teachers and peers said that Maddox looked just like Jeremy. What do you think? One said it was probably the hair.

And here's how you'll find Miss Maddox most of the time. With most of her fist inserted into her mouth. She's sitting on my lap right now and as I typed that she stuck her fist in her mouth.

Everyone also comments on her big blue eyes. Here they look gray. If they stay blue I'll be surprised. I'm assuming they'll eventually become like mine, hazel, blue some days, green some days, gray some days. It would be nice though if she'd keep her Papa's and Aunt Suzy's blue eyes.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Not much has happened in the past couple of weeks to blog about. Or if it has I haven't taken a picture of it. Maddox stayed with Jeremy last Thursday while I went to a rehearsal and was not happy all night. When I came home Jeremy said "here, take her". Welcome to my world Jeremy. Okay, not very often at all is she like that, but that's the first time he's had to deal with it. And only the second time he's kept her by himself. I just said she was mad because she likes to go to choir. She went to her last rehearsal Saturday morning and enjoyed it. I wore her in the snugli facing outward so she got to read along in the music. She fell asleep in it after a while. I wish I had a picture of it because I'm sure it looked somewhat ridiculous. This choir standing on stage singing and one of us has a baby attached to our front. The other singers said she should have been in the program since she came to more rehearsals that some of the singers and probably knew the notes just as well in some spots!

Saturday afternoon she laid out on a blanket while we planted the vegetable garden and again, fell asleep. She loves being outside. Just like her mom. Again, I didn't take a picture.

All I have are these pictures of one of the cute outfits Mom bought her. She looks very springy. In more ways that one. She was a happy girl that morning and couldn't hold still for a picture. So, flailing and laughing and smiley is what you get!
Grandma and Papa Garrison come in a few days so surely I'll take some pictures then! Oh, and Jeremy graduates tomorrow night! Yea for Daddy!