Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

We had a pretty good first Mother's Day! Other than the fact that it was chilly, cloudy, rainy, and I had a sore throat . . . Put that aside and it was good! Mom and Dad were here because Maddox got dedicated at church yesterday. She started to get fussy because she just wanted to go to sleep but I got her through it. We were supposed to go get pictures taken today at JC penney but they had to reschedule me. So now I have to go Friday by myself. You know how I am about decisions! And putting on her gown by myself is difficult sometimes too. We'll see how that goes.

Along with yesterday being dedication day and Mother's day it was Maddox's 3 month birthday! It's hard to believe she's 3 months old already! I always said that around 3 months I'd move her from her bassinett in my room to her crib in her room. She's giving me no reason not to since she's sleeping through the night. For the past couple of weeks she's being sleeping until 6 or 7 in the morning. I put her to bed around 8pm and then feed her again at 10:30ish and she sleeps all night. I've also been letting her sleep in her crib between 8 and that late feeding and she's been fine in there. She still won't nap in there during the day but that's okay because we're hardly ever there during the day. Once she's sleeping in there all night she'll probably get more used to it and sleep there more in the day on the weekend when we're home. For her long daytime nap I'm perfectly content right now to cuddle with her and hold her and nap myself! She'll take short 30 min. naps by herself throughout the day, but for the long one she sleeps much better if I cuddle with her. Right now that works for me too!

Maddox got me mulch for Mother's Day so Dad and Jeremy are there now picking up a truckload. It's chilly and very windy here today too but I guess we'll spend the afternoon working in the yard. This morning Jeremy's going to babysit Camden and my parents and I are going out shopping and wandering around the arts district. I'm glad it worked out that way because Camden has pneumonia so I don't want to bring Maddox to work anyway. I'm hoping my sore throat doesn't turn into pneumonia. And I really hope Maddox doesn't catch anything! She seemed grumpy yesterday and had weird eating habits . Eating every two hours and such.

She's pretty happy in this picture though! I must have just fed her. She just loves the lights and music on the activity gym! It makes her so happy!

I almost forgot the other good Mother's day news! It has nothing to do with us really but it's neat for my friend and neighbor Jennifer! She had her baby on Mother's day! Grady was 7 lbs 9 oz. ( not nearly as big as they thought) and she had a great experience. No horror stories at all. What more could you ask for on Mother's day! I hope I get to go meet him today since he and Maddox will be great play buddies! I need to check him out first, see if he's okay for her. I'm so excited for her and Chris! Welcome to motherhood Jenn!

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