Thursday, September 5, 2013

All Hadlee

Hadlee started preschool today at Westview Church Preschool, the same school Maddox went to.  Hadlee has been so excited to start school.  I think she'll be bummed today when she doesn't get to go back until Tuesday.  And then bummed next week when she realizes she only goes 2 days a week for 2 hours.  I sort of wish she went more too since she'll enjoy it so much.  She had absolutely no problem going into the room, talking to her teachers, and playing with toys.  She didn't care about me at all.
 And the next pictures portray Hadlee's personality perfectly.  Put about 3 seconds in between each picture...
 "Look, Mama, a grasshopper!"  and she runs away.
 "No, that's a tiny cricket, touch it." I say.
 Of course it hopped away and she laughed.  She's so stinkin' cute!

Piper 2 month

Piper had her 2 month check up yesterday.  She's a perfectly healthy and normal baby.  She had to get 3 shots and an oral vaccine so she wasn't very happy about thing, poor thing.  She weighed in at 10 lb 9 oz (25%) and 22.5 inches long (50%).  She's the smallest of her sisters at this same age.  They were almost 1.5 nearing 2 pounds heavier and about an inch longer at 2 months.  And here we were thinking Piper looks so big and long!  I think it's more Piper is growing too fast and I want to enjoy her tininess as long as possible.

Zoo Fun

We had a family zoo day before school started.  Had to use up all those free zoo passes we got from the library this summer!
 Maddox loving the world...   Actually she pointed out where Grammy and Papa lived and wanted to give them a hug.
 Yes, this is the way I have babies.  Like Mork.  (When my children read this someday they will wonder who the heck Mork is and have to google it. Heck, they'll probably then wonder what google is.)