Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Not much has happened in the past couple of weeks to blog about. Or if it has I haven't taken a picture of it. Maddox stayed with Jeremy last Thursday while I went to a rehearsal and was not happy all night. When I came home Jeremy said "here, take her". Welcome to my world Jeremy. Okay, not very often at all is she like that, but that's the first time he's had to deal with it. And only the second time he's kept her by himself. I just said she was mad because she likes to go to choir. She went to her last rehearsal Saturday morning and enjoyed it. I wore her in the snugli facing outward so she got to read along in the music. She fell asleep in it after a while. I wish I had a picture of it because I'm sure it looked somewhat ridiculous. This choir standing on stage singing and one of us has a baby attached to our front. The other singers said she should have been in the program since she came to more rehearsals that some of the singers and probably knew the notes just as well in some spots!

Saturday afternoon she laid out on a blanket while we planted the vegetable garden and again, fell asleep. She loves being outside. Just like her mom. Again, I didn't take a picture.

All I have are these pictures of one of the cute outfits Mom bought her. She looks very springy. In more ways that one. She was a happy girl that morning and couldn't hold still for a picture. So, flailing and laughing and smiley is what you get!
Grandma and Papa Garrison come in a few days so surely I'll take some pictures then! Oh, and Jeremy graduates tomorrow night! Yea for Daddy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute!