Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My girls

Jessi is so good with Maddox. She'll lay right by her even if Maddox is crying and stay completely relaxed. I've got good girls!

We bought our jogging stroller finally. It was our anniversary present to each other. We tend to buy something both of us want to use or for the house rather than flowers/jewelry/stuff. One year it was a storm door (which we installed together, how romantic). This year it's the stroller. It's so nice to be able to jog with her so now I don't have to wait for Jeremy to be home to watch her while I go out. Maddox seems to really like it too.
And it compliments her eyes . . .
And lastly, baby Grady is catching up! He doesn't look so tiny now! He's about 11 lbs and she's almost 14. Here they are on a "playdate".

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