Saturday, July 26, 2008

First Time Sick

Maddox was sick for the first time last weekend. It does seem to be old news now but I had no pictures to go with that. She got congested, had a sore throat, low fever, and then developed a slight rash on her chest. It all only lasted 2 or 3 days. The first night she woke up about every hour and I put more Vicks on her chest and she'd go back to sleep. By Sat. she was better and went to a softball tournament and did very well! It was about 10 degrees warmer than the weather said it was going to be which made the high about 96*. And she wouldn't nurse all day so I was worried about her hydration but she did fine. And when she got home she nursed like crazy. She hardly napped at all that day and was in a good mood all day! What a trooper!
I finally got Kabra to come up from Charlotte and visit yesterday. I haven't seen him since last summer when I ws just newly pregnant. So he got to meet the Jessi and Maddox. He did very well with Maddox! I figured he wouldn't hold her and would just look at her. But I kind of forced her upon him and he did well! Kabra with a baby is kind of a strange sight. She would just stare back at him in a kind of "who/or what are you" way. But she liked him and never cried.

Last night I took some naked pictures of Maddox before her bath. Her little bottom dimples are just so cute! The only time in her life that dimples in her bottom will be cute. No dimples in this pic, just take my word for it.I finally took her crib bumpers out and here's the problem with that. One night it was her leg sticking out and she was not happy about that.Here's a quick video of Maddox enjoying her Jumparoo. She still won't jump but at least she's forced to put some pressure on those lazy legs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i want my tongue in her ass