Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving trip

We drove to Nashville for Thanksgiving and Maddox traveled very well. She only got fussy when it was time to eat so we fed her and kept going. We only had to stop once on the way there (it was time for us to eat anyway) and twice on the way home. Anyone want to help me invent a contraption so babies can nurse while in their car seats on the go?

Here's what we did for entertainment part of the drive, ripping paper, her favorite pastime:
Here she is with Memo. She still does very well sitting on her lap and just hanging out. Uncle Rob had to put on a ventriloquist show for her. She was enthralled. She was also enamored with the kissing Mr. and Mrs. Claus that move. It doesn't take much for her to be enthralled. There's so much to check out! Here's a couple of pictures from home. We played in the pile of leaves one day. I'm not sure she enjoyed it, but she did it.Here's the day we found her reclining on her Elmo in bed. Makes a comfy pillow!Not really any new news for her. She's all over the place now. Her favorite place to play is the dog bowls conveniently enough. No more unsupervised baby while I shower. Can't wait to get that Christmas tree up this week so she can try to pull up on that!

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