Friday, December 12, 2008

Music lessons

I gave Maddox a little music lesson after dinner last night. Start 'em young around here! Here she is learning the recorder. And actually, today, she wouldn't stop blowing it. And then she figured out I was blowing on her food so she blew on that too. I guess you could say she's figured out how to copy my actions a lot these days.

This one's for Mr. Hatten . . . she's got some work to do before I can enroll her in Professional Conch Blowing classes to become a Master Conchnician. We're working on it . . . But I can tell you that someday she'll be at least as good as her mother, and MUCH better than Mr. Hatten. She will not sound like a sick and dying whale on my answering machine!
We've been practicing her conch embouchure on the window. It's a little loose still. A little more blowing on the window will do her good. Or she can just continue licking it so she can also continue licking the conch. Getting that lip buzz might take some time.

She started this piano lesson on her own. She knows what's way up there . . .some cool buttons that make a lot of noise!

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