Thursday, September 4, 2008

Funny videos, firsts, and fun pictures

There's 3 videos posted today. I've had them piling up until I got to work today. I guess my connection is too slow to upload videos.

Maddox loves her a good peach:

I took Maddox outside this morning to sit in the grass and took the camera with us. Digital cameras are so great! I love that I can take tons of pictures and then delete half of them! Here's a few:

See that lower lip? For some reason (thanks to her father's lack of an upper lip) she looks like she's pouting ALL the time! This is how she looks most of the time now. No, she's not at all unhappy. I just have to call soon to get an appointment for a little collagen in that upper lip.Tonight at Jeremy's softball game I put her in the sandbox. She didn't try to eat it at all. Just kept trying to pick it up. I'll post a video of it below so you can see how interested she is in new things and textures. That nice red mark down her face is from her own fingernails. I guess at lunch she was rubbing her eyes and just pulled down and scratched herself up. Blame Jeremy, I was out getting my hair cut.

And finally, she was having a mixed berry cup and chicken in chicken broth for dinner a few nights ago. Can you guess which is which?

Let's just say it smelled like something I should feed the cat. Apparently it tasted that way too!

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