Friday, January 4, 2013

St. Joe visits

The day after Christmas we first went to the hospital to visit my dear friends Penni and Jill's sweet Aunt Mary.  I used to visit Aunt Mary a lot when Penni and I were in college together.  She's so sweet!  Now she's in assisted living in St. Joe but unfortunately got ill before Christmas so she was in the hospital.  She still so sweet and I hope we can visit her again when she's feeling better and back in her apartment.

Then we headed to Grandma Barb's to hang out for a while, play with the dogs and nap a bit.  Maddox loved the dogs and carried them around all over trying to get Bo to stay in his bed so she could take his picture.  We have a lot of pictures of Bo.

 Hadlee liked playing tug of war with Bella.
 Who says the dog bed is just for the dogs?

 Here's one of Maddox's many pictures of Bo in his bed.  She's getting less blurry everyday!
 That night we went to Krug Park to see the lights and get our Cherry Mashes.  Of course, Maddox had to take pictures of every display with I kept explaining would not work well in the dark.  That didn't stop her.  Here's a couple of her less blurry ones.  Again, we have a ton!

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