Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas in KS

Our first stop was at Angie's mom's house in Wathena KS where we had Christmas with Grandma Barb, Uncle James, Aunt Angie, Gabbie, Hayden, and Baylor, and Aunt Shelby.  Again, pictures are by Maddox.
 The warmest fire ever.... I wasn't moving!
 New Barbies!

 Then we went to Grandma Jo's house in Troy, KS to have Christmas with her, Grandpa Randy, and again Uncle James and family and Aunt Shelby.  Hadlee got into the picture taking for a bit.
 Hadlee  got a pretty new necklace!
 Uncle James is trying to scare the girls?  I guess?  He is kind of scary!  ;)
 The girls' big present from Grandpa Randy.  Maddox is actually playing with it right now in our freezing cold basement while I'm posting this blog in the freezing cold basement.  I have got to get a space heater for down here.  Put that on next year's Christmas list for anyone reading this!
 Cute Grandma Jo and Daddy who stuck to minimal food and 7UP all day.
 Hayden, James, Gabbie, Shelby, and Baylor's little head in front.
 What is it with these Schultz men trying to scare my kids with the evil eye?  Either that or Grandpa Randy is about to fall asleep.
After all these Christmases we went to stay at Jeremy's cousin Lori's house for a couple of nights.  Maddox failed to take any pictures of that part of our visit!

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