Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Soccer time!

We tried out another sport this summer, soccer.  This was just 3 weeks of a soccer camp through the city to see if Maddox wanted to sign up for soccer this fall.  She says she does.  She does really well running around and chasing with the whole group of kids but doesn't really get in there to kick it.  She doesn't kick very hard anyway when they practice kicking but she got better.  Good exercise anyway.  She's the tiny one in green to the left of the two pink girls with the braid down her back.
 Now she's right in the center, maybe tapping the ball, but probably not.  She spent most of her time chasing Ian around the field (the boy to the left of the kid in red) and helping him up when he fell down.  They're buddies.  During water breaks I kept telling her to let Ian get up on his own and instead chase after the ball, unless Ian was crying and needed her help.  It didn't work.
 Animatedly telling me how she hurt her arm when she fell down during the game.

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