Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Own Birthday

Yep, I'm 35 which now means I have to round up and that's a little depressing...     If you look carefully it says 31 but there's 4 balloon candles to add on to that.  
 I have a pretty awesome husband who actually threw me a surprise party for my birthday.  He invited our small group from church and many of our neighbors to be at PF Changs before we got there.  I was suspicious but walked into the restaurant to a table full of people with menus hiding their faces and was still pretty surprised!  Surprised that Jeremy would go to the trouble of doing anything out of the ordinary for my birthday and surprised that friends made the time to come and celebrate it with me!  After a yummy meal  we went to Suzy's house nearby to have my favorite cake (Better than Sex Cake-- and yes, it's a close call).

Below is our small group friends Carl, Debbie and two of their 3 kids Bethany and Caleb.  In the middle waving is our neighbor Jason.
 My other weird neighbor, and Jason's roommate, Mitch.  I've got no pictures of all the people that came to dinner (the Lowes, Irwins, and Carlsons) but thanks to everyone!
 And the birthday girl, another year older and another year wiser...

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