Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our First Iowa Halloween

It didn't snow!  It was a pretty decent temperature.  Maybe upper 40s, near 50?  Maddox kept complaining that her hands were cold though.  In Iowa you go trick-or-treating on Beggar's Night from which was on the 30th this year from 6-8pm and you're supposed to have a joke to tell.  Right.  She's 3.  But we stuck with the simple knock knock joke, who's there, boo, boo whoo?, well you don't have to cry about it. An oldie but a goodie and simple for Maddox.  She doesn't really get the whole joke thing anyway.  Luckily she was only asked 3 times to tell the joke which she did very quietly with no eye contact.  After about an hour of trick-or-treating Maddox wanted to go home, Hadlee was getting hungry, and all the houses were running out of candy.
 Maddox wanted to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid so she got a new dress but also wanted to wear all her jewelry and carry her wand and purse.  So she was Ariel, the mermaid princess.  Whatever.  She was happy and that's all that counts.  She wanted the red wig but I refused to waste money on something she'd probably find itchy and not wear anyway so I just curled her hair to make her look fancier.  Hadlee got to wear Maddox's hand-me-down Little Red Riding Hood costume that Grammy made.  Even wearing the costume someone at Target the next day asked me what it was ("little red riding hood") and responded with "Oh!  He's so cute!"  I said, "I'm pretty sure little red riding hood would be a girl."  Really? 
 Jessi wore her usual Supergirl costume again.  Hey, no one here has seen it yet.  Next year I may have to buy her a different one.  She was a hit and even got a candy corn dog cookie at one house.
 Back at home, the girls are grumpy, tired, and my camera isn't working right.  Get out the candy for a sugar rush!

I pretty much let them eat as much as they wanted, which really wasn't that much, that night.  I mean, what fun is Halloween if you don't have that one night of eating a bunch of candy?  So by bedtime they were wired, crazy, and silly.  It was pretty funny!

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