Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Family and our New Cat

We had to take a family picture for Maddox to take to school.  I realized we really don't have one.  I'm always taking the picture.  So one Sunday we had Suzy take pictures of us.  It's hard to get both girls happy at the same time!
 At the end of September this stray cat showed up at our house.  I tried to find it a home but eventually started letting come into our house.  She was so sweet and nice. She was always laying on our laps and letting Maddox carry her all over the house while she just dangled there.  So I let Jeremy make the decision if we should keep her (that way it would be on his shoulders if she turned out to be trouble) and he really liked her and thought she'd be a good fit for us so he said yes!  We left town for 3 days to go to KC for Jeremy's birthday and I said if she's still sitting outside our house when we get back we'd keep her.  She was sitting on our back steps, waiting.  So now, a month later, she's still with us and in heat.  The vet didn't want to spay her until she came into heat just in case she was already spayed.  Try explaining why the cat meows constantly, rubs on everything, and keeps her rear up in the air to a 3 year old.  I told her the cat really wants to get married and have babies but she can't find a boy cat.  Maddox thinks the cat just really loves her shoes ("they're like a blanky to her") and when we take her to the vet she's going to have surgery on her mouth so she won't meow.  By the way, the cat's name is Precious, named by Maddox because she has a Build-a-Bear cat named the same.  Precious has been banished to the basement at night so we can all sleep and surgery will be soon!

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