Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kennedy Space Center

Maddox and I took off for Florida again for this year's spring break to visit Grammy and Papa. The week started in Orlando because they had plans to watch a golf tournament with my Uncle Jim who lives there. So the first day we went to Kennedy Space Center. It is a wonderful place to see! And you actually get a lot for your money! $40 included all the stuff around the visitor's center (which is plenty already), 2 Imax movies, a shuttle launch experience (that only Grammy and Papa got to ride since I'm pregnant), and the bus tour that has 3 stops and you see tons out there! It has really been developed since I was last there and is very interesting. Maddox was so good all day, from 9:30 to 5, and never got fussy, walked tons, and even when she got tired cuddled for a little bit and then went some more. Have I mentioned how easy going my kid is?? Here's the building where they build the shuttles, or fix them after use to re-use and take them out to the launch pad.
There's a launch pad that they'll be using next week. The shuttle is already on it but you can only see the tip of it from this side.
Maddox loved what we call in our family the "dancing water". She and Grammy, and she and Mrs. Teeter, and she and anyone willing to, had to check it out.
Maddox is driving the moon rover. She is currently infatuated with the moom, so the space center was a great place to be for her. One of the bus stops is completely dedicated to moon exploration and had 3 movies about going there and landing there. She loved it!
See that tiny pink dot on the blue bench? That's Maddox standing in front of a very large rocket. I couldn't even get the whole rocket in my picture.
This was one of the early rockets that went to space in the 1960's. Just enough room for 2 people to sit and not even stretch your legs for days.
Grammy, Papa, Maddox and I in front of the Rocket Garden.

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