Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Here's a couple videos of Maddox playing and standing. I've been trying all last week to load them from my house and it wouldn't work. I don't know if it's my computer or the website and now the site is working. It's worked before from my house so I don't know what's going on. It seems to be working at the Bacon's house though. Nothing too exciting, just M being cute! She and I got to spend all last week at home. I didn't work at all. We both loved it! It's strange how you can fill your day playing with a 6 month old. But it's so fun to play with her and watch her little mind work. We didn't do anything too exciting last week. Just worked on napping on her own in her crib and took walks. Now that she's home more and not stimulated by Camden and Morgan so much she's back to 3 short naps a day. Schedule wise that works out great because she can take 2 at home before we pick the kids up at school and one here (if she will).

Today when we came back to work and went to visit Miss Lorraine, Caleb, and Leslie Grace she was a little overwhelmed by all the activity and "strangers".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

around the 43-second mark in the first video, maddox is standing in a PERFECT fourth position! hooray! - cousin manda