Thursday, August 14, 2008

6 months

I cannot believe my tiny baby is six months old! She's just growing and changing everyday! So far she's turning out to be just like her Mom. She loves music and going to concerts, as long as it's one where she doesn't have to sit still too long. Free concerts outdoors or something. She just listens intently and watches very carefully. Whenever music comes on tv she looks right up at it. And almost more than I see her liking music right now I see her loving animals! When she's laying on the floor and Gabby comes up visit Maddox just gets the biggest grin on her face and tries to reach out to pet her. The same thing with Jessi. Although Jessi has finally figured out that Maddox can now grab and pull hair so Jessi tries to avoid getting too close to Maddox. And we figured out the most hilarious thing that she loves is being licked on the hands and face by Easton, the 110 lb. Labrador across the street. While Easton licks her she just laughs and laughs. She loves it! You'd think a 15 lb kid might be intimidated by a dog that big, but not her. Maybe she's still naive. Either way, it's cute. I'm working on getting a video of that but haven't done it yet. And of course she loves the outdoors. She could be content all day sitting, watching, sleeping, eating, anything outdoors. I now tell her Bible Fellowship teachers if she starts getting fussy just take her outside to watch kids play or push her in the stroller outside and it always works. I thought most kids were this way, but she definitely enjoys the outdoors more than others.

To balance things out, I did finally buy her a ball so she at least can start to get some experience before Jeremy starts teaching her all sports. Of course this is what they do in their off time:

She's getting better at sitting up all the time. I'm hoping she'll be willing to do it at her pictures next week. And finally she's willing to put pressure on her legs and stand. While she's sitting up I'll hold her hands and say "up up up" and she'll push her feet down and stand straight up. At first she hated it, too much work. But now she's starting to enjoy it. Again, why do I have no videos of this? Probably because my camera is almost full of pics and videos and it's too hard to post a video from my video camera. I'm going to emtpy my memory stick off tonight so I'll have lots of space. Videos to come . . . .

She has also figured out where her toes are. This morning I went to go get her at 6am (she woke up early today) and brought her to bed to feed her and her pajama feet were all wet. My first thought was, "how did her diaper leak in such a way that her feet got wet?" Of course, she had been laying there sucking on her toes while I continued to sleep a little longer. At breakfast she wouldn't eat cereal and peaches, only toes. I gave up.

She went to the doctor today for her shots. Finally Jeremy got to meet Dr. Erickson. Here's her 6 month stats: 15 lbs 13 oz (50%ile) 27" long (90-95%ile) and 16.5" head (less than 50%ile) So still a bit long but she's getting a little more proportionate. Guess that's all for now!


Anonymous said...

that is my favorite position for a baby girl but naked, it just puts the little pussy in full view and I LOVE baby pussy

Anonymous said...

agreed, love to join you playing with her