Friday, March 11, 2011

Hadlee at 9 months

I put Hadlee in Maddox's bed to wake her up from a nap.  It didn't really work.  Maddox slept, and Hadlee just smiled.
Hadlee went in for her 9 month checkup this week.  She weighed 20 lbs 1 oz (3.5 lbs more than her sister at that age) which is the 75%ile.  She was 28.5 inches long, also 75%ile.  The child STILL has no teeth but that makes nursing all that easier!  It certainly hasn't stopped her from eating whatever she wants, preferably off of our plate.  She much prefers table food as opposed to baby food.  She'll eat whatever we do at dinner as long as I cut it up tiny if it's tough to chew (steak and chick and such).
A rare moment of the beginning of tears.
Hadlee is going through some separation anxiety.  She's started to cry when we leave her at church or with neighbors.  At her 9 month pictures she REALLY did not like being set on the floor, even with Maddox, to have two strangers take her picture.  She cried and reached out for me and hid her face on me.  She finally calmed down enough, with the coaxing of some graham crackers, to at least sit next to Maddox without crying.  But we got no smiles.  I really don't remember Maddox going through separation anxiety.  It seems like Maddox is the shy one and Hadlee is the more outgoing one, but not for now.
Not really wanting to stand on this laundry basket.  Can she squat enough so that she can sit?  She eventually did.
Hadlee wants to stand a lot of the time now.  She can't pull herself up yet, but if you try to sit her down she'll get stiff legs and refuse to bend and sit.  So I'll put her next to her activity table or a chair with some toys and she'll stand until she cries because she's afraid of trying to sit down.  It's a long way down she thinks!  She also isn't crawling.  She'll lead over from sitting, get on her hands and one knee with the other leg still streched out and reach for things.  She'll also lay on her back and roll around the room to get to things.  She makes me wonder if she'll skip crawling.
The cute girl claps her hands all the time now too.  You can hold out your hand and say "clap, clap, clap" and she'll clap your hands too.  We're working on peek-a-boo and waving but so far she just thinks those are funny to have mommy do.

I had to throw one picture in of Maddox, our tom boy lately.  She's into wearing this hat, my old Charlie Brown hat, on backwards all the time.  She looked especially sporty in her Iowa jersey.  She's happy though, and this is with an ear infection and all!

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