Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hadlee Stats and Fair Photos

So I'm pretty sure these pictures are totally out of order.  I just started using the new blogger layout and am trying to figure it all out.  Not having any luck yet.

Since Hadlee's at the top we'll start with her stats from her 4 month checkup.  She weighs 15 lbs 8 oz. (2 pounds more than Maddox at that age) and 25.5 inches long, both 90th %ile.  She's wearing size 6 month or 6-9 month clothes.  The good part of that is that she'll be able to wear Maddox' winter clothes even though she was born 5 months later in the year.  She's the happiest baby, so smiley and laughing a lot now.  She is really starting to enjoy Maddox and laugh at her.  We finally moved her to her own room mid September after all of our guests were done coming and she's been sleeping through the night.  I'll feed her around 10:30 and she'll wake up around 6:30 to eat again but go back to sleep after that.  Annoyingly she's still spitting up a lot.  Not a ton, just more than I'm used to.
Hadlee's first ride on the ferris wheel!

 We did go to the Dixie Classic Fair this year.  Every year I say I'm not going and then we end up going.  This year Maddox could ride the kiddie rides so I wanted her to be able to do that if she wanted to.  And she did!  She rode all the rides she was allowed to ride at 36 inches by herself (even though she's not quite 36 inches).  The roller coaster below she had to ride with an adult, which was fine because she wasn't so sure about it.  After it went around a couple times though she was laughing.
Maddox riding the roller coaster with Mom
This is the only ride she was scared of.  She tried not to cry the whole time, but was only partly successful.  I don't know what was so bothersome about this ride.  I even put her on the back of another boy's motorcycle so she wouldn't be alone and so scared.  At first she was by herself and just wanted off. 
As you can see, that's a look of fear with a quivering lip, not a smile.
Seemed okay when I first put her on, but then I guess she changed her mind.
 She wasn't allowed to ride this one alone either.  Had to ride with a parent.  Yea.  It was this big bus that went up and around in a circle clockwise a few times, then went counter clockwise a few times.  It only made me slightly nauseous.  Wimpy Jeremy wouldn't ride anything with her though, so I had to suck it up and do it.
Maddox was a little bit worried about this ride the whole time.  No tears, just a very serious look.

Maddox loved the planes and waved every circle around.
 This was the first ride she rode at the fair.  She was so excited!  I kind of thought she'd be a little more reserved about riding things, but I said "What do you want to ride?"  And she pointed right away and said, "I want to ride that!"  There's a video of it below.  She smiled the whole time.

Obviously if Hadlee rode the ferris wheel we all did.  I told my mom that Jeremy and I rode it with Maddox and she said "What did you do with Hadlee?"  Just left her in the stroller below, watched from above.  No, we ALL went!  Even Jeremy who is afraid of heights and looked like a little kid nervously shifting away from the chain opening.  It was a beautiful day up there.  You could see Pilot Mountain, Hanging Rock, and all the way to the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Gorgeous view!
Of course we started the day visiting all the animals.  Maddox checked out the sheep (my favorite!), the cows, the very huge horses (2000 lbs! Really?), the chickens, and bunnies.  The chickens sort of made her nervous because there were rows and rows of them and one would loudly blurt out "cockadoodledoo" right next to her and she'd jump.  At the petting barn she fed the goats, llamas, and camel.  I so want some pygmy goats!  They're so cute!  Maddox loves them too and wasn't at all concerned with them eating out of her hand.
It was an awesome day and Maddox was so tired.  We were just about home when she fell asleep in the car, got to nap about 30 minutes, then had to be awakened to go to church choir.  We all slept well that night!

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