Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Memorial Weekend Pre-baby

Now these pictures are out of order, but it's too difficult to move these top three to the bottom of the page. On Monday the guys went golfing and Mom and I took Maddox to Lake Tom-a-Lex park. Usually Maddox is afraid of big slides, and this one is very tall, but she did it with no fear this day! Climbing up to the very tip top . . .
We fed the ducks and geese before we had our own little picnic.
Now back to the correct order of things:

In the weeks before baby Hadlee Maddox had a good time playing with and exploring her baby things. She crawls in the storage area underneath the basinette and reads books and uses the carseat as her new tv watching chair. Even today she pulled the carseat to the middle of the room and watched a little bit of The View.
Here's a couple of pictures of Hadlee's finished room. I decoupaged her letters above the closet doors and they're really cute if I do say so myself.
I made these three flower pictures out of quilting material to match the flowers on her growth chart that's hanging by the window across the room.
This is my last pregnancy picture, a couple of days before the c-section, at 39 weeks.
On Saturday morning Gammy escorted Maddox to a Cinderella tea party. Papa and I sat outside and read books since they had limited space inside. She had just gotten that doll from Gammy the night before so she was not going to part with it. She named it Baby Giggles. Maddox got to wear her princess dress that Gammy made her. She was one of the youngest ones there so I think she was a little overwhelmed and shy about the whole thing, but she seemed to enjoy it anyway when she was telling me about it afterward. The tea party was a fundraiser for West Side Civic Theatre which does a couple of outdoor musicals in the Lewisville ampitheater every summer. The weekend after Hadlee's birth we went to see the Cinderella musical there.

'I'm shy, I won't smile, I won't be very involved, and I'll just watch and take it all in.'
Shy Maddox didn't want to sit on Cinderella's lap (although there is a picture of her and Cinderella on Gammy's camera) so they held Princess Giggles instead. On Saturday evening we went to a park where we cooked out and Dad and Jeremy played frisbee golf. Gammy gave Maddox a new stroller for her baby so she pushed it around the park.
And then she sat in it, looking very pleased.
Maddox found this balloon floating around somewhere so I stuck it in her shirt so she could have a baby too like Mommy. She was very happy with that idea and everyone at the park thought we were a funny site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think maddoix is wearing a cloth diaper, I love the feel of the soft cotton on my hand as I finger a toddlers p---y when she wears those