Monday, August 31, 2009

End of the Summer Fun

I'm about to put Maddox down for a nap but I thought first I'd try to see if her hair could go up in pig tails. The top is still so short so it doesn't look quite right, but the back view is adorable! it looks like she has bangs from her forehead to about 3 inches back off her forehead. Sort of a mullet look. I can't wait until that top stuff grows out too. ----- and in the 30 seconds it took me to type these previous sentences she pulled one out. She never leaves anything in her hair anymore unless she's highly distracted from it being there. She was trying on last year's Chiefs jersey to see if it fit in preparation for going to Baltimore for the season opener in a couple of weeks. Still fits. Maybe if I put her hair in pig tails for the game people won't say what a cute little boy she is like they did last year.Grady came over for a bit the other night so I blew up 2 beach balls for them to play with. Guess who's hiding at the other end of this curtain? Peekaboo!
This is how she goes to bed every night now. I read her a couple books and of course she wants more so I give her one in bed. She'll lay there in the dark for at least 20 minutes reading, babbling and fall asleep with the book firmly in her grasp. It's also there for the morning when she wakes up so she's happy for another 20-30 minutes without waking me up yet! Yesterday our church had a picnic out at Tanglewood Park with inflatable jumpers, car show, volleyball, playground, music, and food. We headed out for the last mid 80s day, at least for this week. Today it's a high of 65, 20 degrees colder than yesterday!
First we went to the pool.I told Daddy to hold her hand as she got up to the chest deep water but he refused saying she was fine. She wants to hold someone's hand, she knows she's wobbly. 3 seconds later she was completely underwater. We grabbed her fast and she ws surprised and frightened, but fine!Now Dad will hold her hand, point proven. Maddox and Dad both crying because they blew the whistle for the hourly sit-out time.
Trying her best to do something interesting and fun with these goggles.
She's trying to grab my tongue while sticking out hers. Finally figured out what to do with those goggles:
The inflatables were only for kids over 3 which Maddox was not happy about. But once we showed her the playground with the huge sandbox she was content and would have been for hours.Before we left I took up her to the top of one of the slides so I could let her try it just once. The rules were right, there's no way a 1 yr old could have done that by herself! WAY too squishy! She did have a big grin on by the bottom of the slide.Video of Maddox and Grady dancing and playing:

In other news, she has all 16 of her teeth as of last week. The top two canines have just the tip sticking out, but they're there. No more teeth until 2 yr molars!! And she's feeding herself about most of the meals that I give her. I just have to try not to look to much or I take it away and do it myself. But she's not too bad at it. She just has some problems scooping up the more difficult things which I hold her hand and scoop for her and she feeds herself. But she can spoon up the easier things by herself. But last week she picked up her big girl cup of milk and tipped it too much and spilled it (which she's usually successful at) and now won't even try. She picks it up and hands it to me with a whine. She was pretty upset about the spilt milk even though I kept saying "it's okay, it's okay, we can clean it up." I can hear you all doling out your advice as I type . . . Don't cry over spilt milk! It's true!

She's saying some new words if I ask her to repeat after me. I'm glad that she finally feels like she can try to copy me and isn't so unsure about it. Today I told her where the toilet was so I could teach her about that object and I said pee pee goes in it. Can you say pee pee? She said "pee pee" in her cute little high voice. I said can you say poop? She said "poop". She's attempting some words today anyway!

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