Friday, August 21, 2009

18 months old!

Maddox turned 18 months old a little over a week ago. It's hard to believe my little girl is 1 1/2 years old! But time does move on doesn't it? She went to the doctor a couple days ago for her check up and shots. She's still in the 90%ile for height and about 10%ile for weight. She weighs only 20 lbs and 6 oz., a half a pound more than she did at 15 months. She got her hemaglobin checked again and her iron is fine now so she'll start taking just normal daily vitamins. She popped her second lower canine through a couple of days ago and the top two canines are working hard at doing the same. She has good days and bad days regarding that, but really hates it when I brush her upper teeth.
She's starting to use words regularly now and repeating new words sometimes. Tonight she went to the garage and pointed to and asked for "ball?", asked me to take off her "shoe?" (always with a question sound to it) by lifting her foot up to me, uses the words with the the sign language for "mo" (more) and "peas" (please). She'll point to and say "eye" "ear" "ose" (nose) "knee" "aaa" for mouth, and "oo" for foot. She likes the vowels much more than the consanants. She still loves to go to her room, close the door, and read to herself. She also loves to play on her toddler slide in the yard, or the neighbors. she can go up and down all by herself and loves the attention when we watch and applaud.
About a month ago she easily gave up her pacie at night. We had been reading a book for a couple of months about no more pacies, so one night I just took hers out and hid it behind me and she didn't look for it. So I put her to bed and she fussed a little but never even really cried. It wasn't that important to me so I said if she really cried I'd give it back and try later. But she went to sleep after about 10 min. of whining and that was that. No more problems after that one night! I still give it to her at nap time because we have much less consistentcy in that. Sometimes here, sometimes at the Bacons. She needs that to make her feel comfortable and I know that time will be harder for her. But I might try after our trip to Baltimore, before Thanksgiving. That'll give me a couple of months. Again, not really important to me. And if it means she doesn't cry in the car on long trips, she can have it!
I really don't have many pictures. We haven't done many exciting things lately that warranted taking the camera with us. We watched Grady a couple of days this week so they got to play a lot. One day she was sitting on the couch (which she can finally get up on on her own) reading and I guess he wanted to do that too. So he crawled up and sat in her lap. I don't think that's what she had in mind.

So I put them each in their own spot to read and they were content for a bit.Well, until something more exciting happens . . . I'm off for a quiet movie night with myself! i don't have to worry about Jeremy falling asleep during my rental for once since he's at work until 11!

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