Friday, May 1, 2009


It's been brought to my attention by a couple of people that I failed to tell you all that Maddox is walking! She pretty much gave up crawling a little over a week ago. She may fall, but she'll stand right back up and keep going. It's been hard to get used to! I put her down next to some boxes at Sports Authority while I was looking at tents thinking she could crawl around them and give me some time, and she took right off walking away. Oops, forgot she's mobile now!

This is her daily activity outdoors. She moves my mulch around. I sweep it back in and she moves it again. When I pick her up to go inside she screams her head off! She could play with her shovel and mulch all day long.

She also loves her "kitty kitty". Gabby has taken to sleeping on Maddox's changing table so when we go in to change I lay Maddox right on top of Gabby. Maddox loves it and giggles and smiles, Gabby meows annoyingly but won't move. I eventually have to push Gabby off. She's very tolerant of Maddox. She lets Maddox "brush" her with her toys and crawl over her and ocassionally yank on her tail. Hailey (my other cat I put to sleep last summer) would have never let that happen! I just took this picture because Maddox's new pj's are adorable. She loves the pig on her belly!
We were just having lunch and I just had a light bulb moment! She's had a runny nose for about week now so I figured she had a cold. She's also been a very picky eater at meals and agitated like grabbing her thighs and pulling the skin like she's got a crazy itch or something. Well, just now she screamed her head off while eating and I thought she bit her finger. But then I happened to think, maybe she's getting her molars . . . she is! Both sides on top have teeth pushing through! Maybe that explains a lot of these things going on!

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