Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter weekend

What a weekend it's been! Busy with egg hunts, working, egg coloring, visit to the ER, dog sitting and lots of fun! Maddox turned 14 months old on Saturday and I marked the occasion by finally quiting breastfeeding altogether. She was only doing once a day anyway in the morning and it was so little it was just a snack. It was time to stop. I already miss it.

Thursday before Easter we went to an egg hunt at the library. She was probably the youngest one there so at a severe disadvantage. They did divide the into age groups of 2-3 yr olds and 4 and up. Hello? What about 1 yr olds? She did as best she could . . .

Counting her eggs . . . every 5 eggs gets a goody bag. She got 8 and even that was a challenge. She didn't want to put the eggs IN the basket. Just pick them up, shake them, inspect them, drop them and move on. Saturday was quite an eventful day. I worked a bit at the vet in the morning but Jeremy called me about 10am in severe pain (almost in tears) and needed someone to come help with Maddox because he just couldn't do anything. I called around to all the neighbors and no one answered their phones. Finally Jenn and Susan called back after I called them twice and they went over to get Maddox. To make a long story short Jenn ended up driving him (with Maddox) to the hospital and meeting me there. He was having severe back pain on the lower right side, throwing up,shivering, and white as a sheet. They couldn't get him in fast enough! He finally got his turn, went to the back, and after a little cajoling from me got some morphine. He had a CT that showed one kidney stone in his bladder and several more in both kidneys. He got a referral to a urologist, some pain killers and other meds, and a strainer and was sent home. He spent the afternoon zonked out on pain medicine on the couch. He did drink lots of water and about 5 finally got up and felt much better, took a long slow walk, then mowed the yard. Maddox spent the day with us at the hospital but when we got home at about 3 still didn't want to take a nap so she ended up not napping at all on Saturday.
That night we forced a very sleepy baby to quickly color easter eggs with us:

Some pictures of Maddox Easter morning before church:

After church we attempted to take family pictures by putting the camera on top of the car. Maddox had fallen asleep in the car but woke up after my jostling her so much.
Awake picture, but a little blurry for some reason. A breeze must have blown the camera.
A year ago at Easter when she was 2+ months old:A year later at 14 months:
"Forget the eggs, I see a dog across the street!"
Time to wander to the back yard to hunt for the real Easter eggs in the tall grass.
Found one!
"I see it Mommy, I don't want to pick it up."
Last updates: I gave her a dog toy in her Easter basket and she said "Daw!" She'll identify a dog like that once in a while. It helped that I was wearing a dog scrub all day on Saturday while at the hospital and we spent a lot of time talking about all those dogs. Still not walking, but still taking a few steps by herself here and there. Oh, and Jeremy passed his 1 stone Sunday morning. We'll visit the urologist this week and give it to him to hopefully find out the cause of his stones and find out what to do about the rest of them that are sitting in there.
I also have a funny video of her playing with Tom, the dog we watched this weekend, but I'll have to figure out how to edit it since I took it on the real video camera. Videos to come!

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