Saturday, April 4, 2009

Condo Time

I don't have too many exciting pictures to post but poor Jeremy wanted to see some pictures of his two girls that he hasn't seen in days.

Here's Maddox's new swimming suit. She wasn't very happy that Mom wasn't holding her.

Laying out, relaxing . ..Then we went down to the condo to spend a couple of nights there so we could wake up at the beach. She much better at the beach now. She still doesn't love the water, it's a little scary. But by today I had her walking along with the shallow waves lapping at her feet. Yesterday though the water looked scary. Big waves and 30 mile an hour winds so that didn't help. Today was a little calmer, and so was Maddox. I didn't take any pictures of her in the water since I had to hold her, but here she is playing in the sand the first day.Here's a couple of pictures from last night when we were just hanging out and being silly. Some cute ones for her Daddy:
I made her put a big shell on her head. Then she kept trying to do it too.After dinner we went up the Fort Myers Beach to watch for a rare scarlet ibis that flies up the bay every night (supposedly). It's so rare that we didn't see it. But here's Maddox and Papa hanging out on top of the picnic table to stay away from the fire ants waiting.Passing time with the lizards:Practicing her walking back to the car with Papa:Today we ate lunch at PF Chang's so that was exciting for me, but I really can't post any pictures about that. maddox didn't like anything, too much seasoning for her.
Here's a video of 3 guys kite surfing at the beach yesterday in the 30 to 40mph winds. not a great video since it was with my camera. Looked a little too exciting for me! Oh, and I can't zoom in and out once the video is recording so M is really big, and for some reason I did it on it's side and I can't rotate it. So turn your head.

Let's see, most of the time she says "Hi" now to people that she sees. She's also pointing out "kitty kitty" when we see a picture, cartoon, or real one. And the first night at the condo she was caught 3 different times walking without my prompting her by sitting in front of her holding my arms out. She was just walking, no prompts! Not very many steps but still trying by herself now!

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