Sunday, February 22, 2009

Birthday Party

That one was for Aunt Angie. She wore her new outfit to church on Sunday. Cute! Then she headed off to bed to rest up for her big day. Daddy had to rest up too apparently.
Daddy and the birthday girl, after her nap and ready to party:
First we opened some presents so when she got messy at the next activity she could just go to the bathtub. Here she is in action at her party:
Here's her cake. I made a couple of cupcakes just for Maddox to eat too. After we opened presents we finger painted with colored pudding. Maddox would rather eat it than paint with it.
Even Grandma and Papa finger painted. What artists we are . . .
Time to sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candle! Time to eat cake! Feeding Mommy and Daddy some cake.Cousin Matthew's Flat Stanley got to attend the birthday party:

So that was her big day! She seemed to enjoy it and it was kind of nice just having the four of us there to celebrate. We could do things at a 1 year old's pace. Or maybe it was Grandma's pace as she went to take a 10 minute nap after presents and before painting. Either way, it worked out. Happy Birthday little one!

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