Monday, February 16, 2009

1 Year Old!

I'm finally getting around to posting about Maddox's birthday. . . She turned one on Feb. 11th! Our neighbor, Jenn, made her this shirt.

We didn't do much on her birthday. We got to watch Grady that day so she got a play date all day.
She got to open a couple of presents. The rest we saved for her birthday party on the 22nd. She opened her present from her Aunt Angie and Uncle James which was a hit.
Two days after she opened the walker she was walking all over with it. Apparently all it took was a new walker. We have one our neighbor let us borrow and Maddox has been so cautious she's been afraid to use it. She's not afraid of the new one! We take it out on the driveway and street too so we don't have to turn so often. Although she's starting to figure out the turning thing too and a bit of going backward. We were really surprised how quickly she figured it out after being so reluctant for so long. (Excuse the poor video. It's hard to tape and turn the walker at the same time.)

My little studying organizer spent almost an hour tearing leaves, studying them, putting leaves in and taking them out of this walker. She's so detailed. Spent a good 30 min. tearing a rose up into tiny pieces and studying it very carefully while we were at a basketball game Saturday.

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