Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What a Birthday Week!

My birthday was this past Thursday, the 12th . . . I turned 31! But geesh, I think I got more than I asked for!

I started out the week on Monday night with some severe abdominal pain. Almost as severe as contractions but they were just different. I even called Dad in the middle of the night to ask for advice and we ended up going to the emergency room about 2 am. I won't give you all the measly details of how I was throwing up, going numb (hyperventilating as it turns out), and in and out of consciousness before they finally let me back. To make a long story short I had my appendix out Tuesday morning! To answer the most common question I breastfed Maddox up until my surgery and she was just overly sleepy due to the pain meds I was on. Jeremy fed her the frozen breastmilk we had the rest of that day while I pumped and dumped and then I went back to feeding her Wednesday. She was VERY popular at the hospital. First thing I heard when I went into surgery was "I heard you had the CUTEST baby here!" Word got around. The tummy picture is about 3 days after surgery. Yes, I still have baby fat to lose but not that much. My belly got swollen and it made me look like I was about 5 months pregnant again.

I got discharged from the hospital on Wednesday and like I said Thursday was my birthday. I got to sit around the house and play with Maddox while Jeremy worked in the yard and cleaned. We went out for dinner and then to a park where the community band was playing. It was a nice night to sit outside and listen to music. Jeremy had made a cake for when we got home. Maddox helped me blow out the candles and thought the whole thing was very strange I think. I chose this picture for the sake of Suzy . . . remember when . . .???

On FridayMaddox had her4 month check-up. All was well with her and she got a couple shots and did fine. Her head and weight are still in the 50th%. She weights 13 lbs 9 oz. Her length was 26.5 inches, in the 97th%. Length wise she can wear a 6 month dress. She has a 3 month shirt that's now a midriff shirt. The doctor gave the okay to start rice cereal and water. Here she is, graduated to her high chair, with some water she has no idea what to do with. I think I'll wait a little bit on the cereal though. A couple more weeks maybe? We'll see. I've got restock the milk supply anyway after the hospital stay.

I'll update you on our camping trip tomorrow. Maddox has had it with the computer for now and I've got to get the kids ready for VBS. Later!

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