Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Growing Up a Little Bit...

... to quote one of Maddox's favorite school songs.  Seems fitting for Hadlee too.  I try to wait until my kids are 2 years old before I give them a haircut but Hadlee's was getting SO scraggly that I just had to do it. It was only about 5-6 weeks early, not too bad!  April 21st was the date of her first ever haircut.  I did it myself since I didn't see much sense in paying someone to snip so little hair.  Here's the uneven messiness before...
 And here it is nice and even afterwards...
 And here she is just being cute later that day.  Hadlee is our more adventerous, braver, bolder, more stubborn girl so far.  She climbs all the time.  Taking her to Colorado this summer could be fun, or dangerous, depending on how you want to look at it.  All of her teeth have come in as of just a few days ago.  Well, not her 2 year molars but she's not 2 quite yet.  But her cuspids finally all are in.  She's talking up a storm.  She'll use 4 and 5 word sentences even.  And she's pretty clear with her words.  People who aren't with her daily can understand her as well.  Guess that's the perk of having a big sister.  Her frequent phrases are "oh man" (when she drops something for example), or Hadlee, do you want to....   "Yeah, I do".  Or Hadlee, did you.....?  "yeah, I do"  Or Hadlee, are you....?  "Yeah, I do"  When we're in the car the radio is always on of course and I hear a little voice from the back say "Turn it up Mama!"  Pretty cute at this age!  Of course she's always becoming a little stubborn and would like to scream and cry about anything, whether it's warranted or not.  I've been working with it though and telling her if she screams and cries and doesn't use her words instead she'll have a timeout and she's catching on.  Big sister doesn't help the situation though.  Sometimes it is warranted.  She must be rocked to sleep at nap times or she'll lay up there and play for an hour then maybe sleep.  But if you rock her she'll fall asleep in less than 5 minutes.  But at night she goes to sleep all on her own so that's fine with me.  A little cuddle time alone is nice.  It's hard to believe my baby will be 2 in a week (June 1 for those of you that are needing a reminder).  She's now spent half her life in Iowa and half in North Carolina!

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