Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December Fun

I thought I'd post a few fun pictures from December before Christmas came along.  Here's happy Hadlee, her usual emotion as long as she's in her jumparoo.  She loves that thing.
 A few Saturdays ago the girls and I did go visit Santa and have breakfast with him.  Maddox was still a little concerned with her shifty eyes, but Hadlee just looked at him like "who the heck is this?" and then just sat there.
Hadlee loves the animals just as much as Maddox and I!
 Hadlee is getting better at sitting up.  She's got good balance, she just leans forward and eventually eats her toes and then cries.  But she's starting to get better at sitting up straighter, especially when there's something fun to look at like there was this night in the pictures below.

We got a cd from storytime at the library and Maddox will not stop listening to one song.  The song about Sammy walking to the store to buy bread and you get to fly like a bird to the store:
 Crawl like a bug to the store:
Swim like a fish to the store:  ( or just run around the table getting chased by Daddy)
 Today we painted cookies. 
 By the end of it, Maddox was eating more than she was painting.  She likes red hots.

Tomorrow my parents come and the Christmas festivities really begin!

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