Monday, September 20, 2010

Aunt Suzy and Cousins

The day after we got home from the beach in August Aunt Suzy and her kids came to visit us. Yes, I'm a little behind with blogging. Every time I tried to load the pictures blogger wasn't working. They came out to meet Hadlee. Here's Emily and Hadlee: And Matthew and Hadlee:

It was hot, as usual, when they came. One day we just went to a park to play and feed the ducks and have a picnic. It was so hot that our fun didn't last long and we came back home to the air conditioning. Maddox loved having her cousins here and still asks about them. Matthew hung out with Maddox all the time, playing with her and giving her piggy back rides. She loved all the attention. Matthew is such a cool cousin and loves playing with little kids!

Another day Suzy and Katherine went canoeing so Matthew, Emily and my girls went to the Children's Museum. The two little girls were enjoying story time while Matthew sat with Hadlee, again doing a great job at babysitting!

Emily and Maddox had to do everything together, from going potty to bathing together! Emily's just showing Maddox how. And it must have helped, Maddox seems all trained now!
Their last day here we went up to the mountains to go to Linville Caverns and hiking to a swimming hole and rope swing. By the time we got to the swimming hole we only got about 20 minutes to swim because a storm rolled in and it started raining pretty hard. We had to climb back over the slippery rocks to the trail and hike back in the rain. Emily was pretty scared about it and Hadlee was scared to death. By the time we got back to the car all the kids were freezing and the sun was starting to peek out again. Where is radar when you need it?
Emily and Maddox took refuge under a rock while we waiting the rain out for a bit.
Just a few pictures since I'm so late. Their visit was the last of our summer visitors that came to meet our new addition. We were kind of bummed when they left. Not only because Maddox especially loves playing with her cousins, but because their visit marked the last of relatives to come see us and summer was coming to an end. Thanks to all who made the trek to come our way this summer!

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