Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maddox's Little Birthday Party

I'm going to break Maddox' birthday up into two blogs since there's so many pictures. Unfortunately I didn't think about this until I had loaded these pictures so now the morning and afternoon are flipped. After Maddox took a nap and I picked up Camden and Morgan from school we had a little party with presents and cupcakes. She felt much better after her nap and always seems to forget she's sick when the kids are around. She was almost herself for the first time today.We opened presents in Maddox's new room. Camden's helping her with her new tractor from Grammy and Papa.

Morgan is showing her how her new fishing puzzle works. Morgan would pick up the pieces and Maddox would grab it and launch it across the room.
Maddox got lots of food for her new kitchen. She had to taste each one as she pulled it out of the package. It took awhile.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Maddox, Happy Birthday to you!" She's been practicing blowing out candles and did it just right on her birthday!

Digging in!
Mmmmm, yummy...
After we all had cake the kids went home, Jeremy went for a run, and Maddox and I played with her kitchen. For dinner, what birthday would be complete without Pizza Hut? Grady came over after dinner and to play for a bit and get a cupcake and tell Maddox Happy Birthday. She had such a great day and I love making it special for her! I so love my little girl and thank God all the time for such a wonderful blessing! We're so lucky!

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