Friday, February 26, 2010

2 year pictures

Now that Maddox is feeling better we got her 2 year pictures done. I SO wish she were comfortable enough to give her real big smile that just lights up her face. They tried really hard with lots of different tactics but Maddox is just too shy. She barely smiled at all but we did geta few with at least a grin. We got out the door with only purchasing 2! Sometimes it helps that she doesn't smile easily for strangers! Even without the big smile, she's still a beautiful little girl.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby Sister

I realized tonight I haven't blogged anything about our new baby! While this is pretty much a site about Maddox, soon it'll be a site about Maddox and her little sister! Guess I should document that! Here is little sis at 20 wks 5 days.I'm about 20 weeks in this photo. This was mid January.

Maddox's Birthday Morning and the Circus

Maddox woke up with the fever she's had for the past couple of days. No overnight recovery miracles. She was zoned out and lethargic as you can see. Happy Birthday poor baby. Here's pictures of M's new room, decorated to match her name letters and her cross, both of which she's had since she was born. I wanted something recognizable to her in her new room.

After spending awhile in bed to let the ibuprofen set in, eat about 3 mandarin orange bites, and wake up we got her up to go see her new room and open one present before we left for the circus in Greensboro. I don't think she quite got that this room was HER new room. Yeah yeah, pretty room mom . . . HEY, what's that?? A kitchen?? We keep saying "new bed" in your "new room" and she'll say that now too. As the day wore on and she spent more time in there I think she's realizing it's actually hers. Or the kitchen just keeps drawing her in since that's where she kept disappearing to all afternoon. I'm not going to press changing beds right now since she's sick. And besides, the baby won't be in the actual crib until probably August or September since she'll sleep in a basinette in our room for a few months. Maddox has plenty of time to become accustomed, but being willing to sleep through the night in her big bed by my due date would be nice.
She chose one present to open which turned out to be a good one for the car ride. Lots of buttons to push and explore.
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus is pretty fancy! It's not quite the circus I saw as a kid at St. Joe's Civic Arena! It's very modern and such a show, never a dull moment!

Cuddly, but taking it all in.
I think Maddox's favorite thing was the elephants. Every time one would come out she would point at it. Of course, that was my favorite too (as any animal act is). It brings out the animal trainer in me. There was even a dog in one act that was carried in a basket by an elephant, jumped on the little horses, and other little tricks to which I said "Jessi could SO do that! She could be a circus dog!"

There were these crazy acrobats that did all sorts of tricks on trampolines and just made it all look so easy!
About the last 20 minutes of the circus Maddox started to act a little more energetic. She was willing to get off a lap and danced and watched in front of us.
When it was all over Maddox kept saying "All done?" over and over. She refused to put on her coat (which she never does [isn't that strange for a toddler?]) and then cried. I guess even though she was not very outwardly excited about it, probably not having the energy to act that way, she really enjoyed the circus. I knew, for such an inquisitive mind, she would love watching all the activity and could probably watch this show many times before she was willing to leave. From a mom's point of view though, it was so nice to finally take MY daughter to the circus. To expose MY daughter to something so new and neat to her. And yet there's so much more in the world to show her!

Maddox's Little Birthday Party

I'm going to break Maddox' birthday up into two blogs since there's so many pictures. Unfortunately I didn't think about this until I had loaded these pictures so now the morning and afternoon are flipped. After Maddox took a nap and I picked up Camden and Morgan from school we had a little party with presents and cupcakes. She felt much better after her nap and always seems to forget she's sick when the kids are around. She was almost herself for the first time today.We opened presents in Maddox's new room. Camden's helping her with her new tractor from Grammy and Papa.

Morgan is showing her how her new fishing puzzle works. Morgan would pick up the pieces and Maddox would grab it and launch it across the room.
Maddox got lots of food for her new kitchen. She had to taste each one as she pulled it out of the package. It took awhile.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Maddox, Happy Birthday to you!" She's been practicing blowing out candles and did it just right on her birthday!

Digging in!
Mmmmm, yummy...
After we all had cake the kids went home, Jeremy went for a run, and Maddox and I played with her kitchen. For dinner, what birthday would be complete without Pizza Hut? Grady came over after dinner and to play for a bit and get a cupcake and tell Maddox Happy Birthday. She had such a great day and I love making it special for her! I so love my little girl and thank God all the time for such a wonderful blessing! We're so lucky!

Random Cuteness

Aren't they cute? Jeremy wanted to cuddle with his two girls. Now if only Gabbey and I were in the picture he'd have all 4 of his girls (well, technically 5 now). One morning Maddox decided to try on Jeremy's basketball shoes which stayed on pretty well since she had her slippers on too.
I usually save naked finger painting for warmer weather so we can do it outside and not worry about the mess but I am so sick of cold weather and being stuck inside I decided to try it on newspaper to see if she could keep things clean. She did very well keeping the paint where it should be and went straight to the shower after she was done.