Friday, November 7, 2008

Pulling up

Maddox is now interested (all the time) in pulling up. We finally had to lower her crib when I went in and found her on her knees pulling up to peek over the edge. So loves to practice this so much that she gets mad when we don't hold her hand so she can stand up. Anywhere and everywhere. All day long. . .

I had to work all day Mon. and Tues. so she got lots of practice there pulling up on the toy box and pulling out toys.
I also got my hair cut yesterday. I found this great chick to go to and all I do is give her my "rules" (easy to fix with just a hair dryer, it really enjoys lying flat, etc . . .) and tell her to do whatever she wants. It'll grow back if I don't like it. I've been twice and she's done a good job twice. And it's only $18! Today I just washed it and then left to go to Jenn's house and this is how it looked drying on it's own. Pretty decent. I still have some playing to do with the cut.
It's 75* here, I'm going outside to read and after naps we're going to a new park!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your haircut, Sara! Has Jeremy cut his hair yet? I just love short hair, it is so easy to take care of.

Hope you're all doing well!
Love to all three of you!!