Friday, May 17, 2013

Preschool Closing Ceremony

Maddox had her Westview Preschool Closing Ceremony on Wednesday night.  She's going to be headed to kindergarten next year!  She's very excited about it, especially about riding the bus.  We'll see how long that lasts.  They sang a few songs at the program so we got some action shots.
"HI!! I'm A Wide Mouthed Bullfrog...!"

 Singin' In the Rain  ---- Thumbs up, elbows back, knees bent, knees together, bottoms out, head up, tongue out..    They do one of the list then sing the chorus to singing in the rain, then add another action and sing again.  By the end they're doing all of the actions and they look kinda silly!


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Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Maddox and the little provocative girl in the yellow dress singing with their mouths open and tongues out. Little girls are so hot and sexy!