Tuesday, June 26, 2012

MN Birthday Part and Minn. Marathon (pt.2)

Saturday night we had a late, and very abbreviated, birthday party in our hotel room with the Lowe's.  For crafts everyone got to color a mask which we actually did while we waited an hour for a table at the Spaghetti Factory.  Lots of people want pasta before a marathon I guess.

 I cheated and bought a cupcake cake at a grocery store up there so I wouldn't have to bring one with me.  Worked great!

 The next morning was the race which started at 6:30.  Jeremy did the marathon and Suzy did the half which started an hour later.  I made 4 signs to entertain the runners for their long jaunt.  This one was fitting for Hadlee.  One guy offered us Gu instead of candy when he ran by.
 Mile 6, feeling good!
 All done!  A PR for Jeremy at 2:57:04 but not his goal, and 11th overall.  We'll see if he gets motivated to do it again and try to meet that goal, but for now he's good with some shorter or different races.
 After packing up we went back to MOA and went to the aquarium to waste some more time before having to drive back home. It was a really fun weekend and I am SO proud of Jeremy!  He is such an awesome runner and so fun to "coach" and cheer on!

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