Monday, April 5, 2010


Maddox and Grammy colored Easter eggs in Florida. Maddox wasn't very interested at first and then made big messes when she got interested. Being gentle with eggs is not her thing, so she'd plop them in the cup, splashing color everywhere and then stir them with her whole hand in the color. Oh well, we went swimming after she got done and washed it all off.
Grammy had an Easter Egg hunt in FL for her too. Most of this hunt was with real eggs so Maddox broke most of them.
How many people does it take to find an egg?
Saturday Daddy took Maddox to an egg hunt at church while I worked. She came home with way too much chocolate.
Sunday morning we looked for eggs in our own backyard and flowerbeds. She still needs lots of help and wants you to hold her hand and help her look. Everytime she found one she'd suck in her breathe like it was a big surprise.
We went across the street to utilize the neighbor's tulips for Easter pictures. Maddox had no desire to look at the camera though, but playing with her eggs is pretty cute too.
Maddox didn't at all want to pose with Mommy either so this is about as good as it gets. She's even got her little white lace Easter gloves Grammy bought for her. Isn't this tree gorgeous? It's another neighbor's. It makes for a great Easter backdrop though.

"Open, Mommy?" She's already got an M&M in her mouth. Some of them had goldfish in them but when I'd open those for her she'd say "No, close it."
One of Maddox very favorite things to do is empty the grocery bags after we go shopping. She'll pull everything out of the bags for me and I put it away. And she does this all excitedly. Last week in FL Grammy came home with grocery bags and I said "You'd better get ready quick. She won't stop emptying until it's done!" She found her winter hat in the car on the way home and wanted to put it on so I had to take a picture of the hat/Easter dress combo.

I started my 32nd week today and will have a new baby no later than 7 weeks from tomorrow! Wow, how time has flown by! My c-section is scheduled for June 1st but I'm still sort of hoping I go into labor on my own in May, even if the end result is a c-section anyway. Lots of walking going on here!

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