Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Haircut

On Friday, the 15th, Maddox got her very first haircut. I waited so long because I kind of wanted to start this tradition of not cutting my child's hair until they were two. It stems from when I went to France in 5th grade. The family I stayed with had a toddler son with the same name as the father but with blond, curly, golden locks hanging down his neck. With the language barrier I thought for sure it was a little girl with a gender neutral name. Well, after I left, he turned 2 and got his hair cut for the first time. Apparently in France this was a tradition then. After that I thought it would be kind of neat to see what a baby's hair could do in 2 years and though I'd follow the tradition. As it turned out, with Maddox, her hair didn't do much.

I asked Miss Lorraine to cut ti since she just adores Maddox and is a retired hair stylist. She's the lady who took over caring for Caleb and Leslie Grace when I quit so we spend a lot of time together in the summer letting the kids play together. The day before Maddox got her hair cut I put it up in a pony because I knew I probably wouldn't be able to after. It was so cute! When she got it all cut off, getting rid of all the shaggy layers, it was so short I almost cried! now that I'm getting used to it I've realized it's a pretty cute bob. I don't love the bangs, but those weren't long enough to grow out yet. So, at almost two, here's Maddox's new do.

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