Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Playing in FL and the beach

If these pictures look as dark and grainy on everyone else's computer as they do on Dad's I'm going to have to reblog all this when I get home. But here it is for now.
Today we went to the beach down at the condo and spent a few hours. It took Maddox a while to figure out that she could get dirty and actually play in the sand but eventually she started digging and building. The water is cold so she didn't want to even stand in it but she enjoyed chasing the waves and having them chase us back and running away. We built a fort around our spot on the beach. She (with some help) would fill up the bucket, pat it down, and tell me to dump it out.
This one's strictly for documentary purposes only. My sisters and Jeremy know why.
Sitting on the beach watching the plans fly overhead.

Maddox also loved pouring water all over with the watering can but of course she wouldn't fill it up herself so I made many trips back and forth for her.

We've been swimming at Grammy's on this trip. The pool is a nice 88 degrees and feels almost like a bathtub. When we got here from Orlando Sunday night it was about 7pm and she couldn't wait to get in the pool. She and Grammy checked the temperature out and then she came running to the bedroom saying "swimming suit, swimming suit!" This is the first time she's actually been excited about it and not had to warm up to swimming. She won't even let me hold her any way except by her holding on to my thumbs and she's jumping off the side and sort of trying to float on her back.
One morning we went to the park where she went down the slide what seemed like hundreds of times and climbed all over. We wore her out that morning and she took a 4 hour nap when we got back. She had a lot of catching up to do though with some 9 to 10 o'clock bedtimes for the past few nights and lots of time spent outdoors.

So someone tell me if all these pictures and the space center pictures look dark, shadowy, and grainy and I'll re-do them when I get home. To me they all look like crap so I hope they don't really and it's just Dad's fancy photography computer. Just one more day of fun in the sun and we head home Friday. The week has been too short! I better get out to the pool and relax while I can!

Kennedy Space Center

Maddox and I took off for Florida again for this year's spring break to visit Grammy and Papa. The week started in Orlando because they had plans to watch a golf tournament with my Uncle Jim who lives there. So the first day we went to Kennedy Space Center. It is a wonderful place to see! And you actually get a lot for your money! $40 included all the stuff around the visitor's center (which is plenty already), 2 Imax movies, a shuttle launch experience (that only Grammy and Papa got to ride since I'm pregnant), and the bus tour that has 3 stops and you see tons out there! It has really been developed since I was last there and is very interesting. Maddox was so good all day, from 9:30 to 5, and never got fussy, walked tons, and even when she got tired cuddled for a little bit and then went some more. Have I mentioned how easy going my kid is?? Here's the building where they build the shuttles, or fix them after use to re-use and take them out to the launch pad.
There's a launch pad that they'll be using next week. The shuttle is already on it but you can only see the tip of it from this side.
Maddox loved what we call in our family the "dancing water". She and Grammy, and she and Mrs. Teeter, and she and anyone willing to, had to check it out.
Maddox is driving the moon rover. She is currently infatuated with the moom, so the space center was a great place to be for her. One of the bus stops is completely dedicated to moon exploration and had 3 movies about going there and landing there. She loved it!
See that tiny pink dot on the blue bench? That's Maddox standing in front of a very large rocket. I couldn't even get the whole rocket in my picture.
This was one of the early rockets that went to space in the 1960's. Just enough room for 2 people to sit and not even stretch your legs for days.
Grammy, Papa, Maddox and I in front of the Rocket Garden.

Monday, March 15, 2010

New pictures

Aunt Jennifer crocheted Maddox and her baby sister new hats. Maddox's was a little small so Jennifer's making another. Quite stylish though! Thank you Aunt Jennifer!My cousin Leslie bought Maddox a new swim diaper/rashguard set before our trip to FL. She also has a pink bottom. Now I can save some money not buying disposable swim diapers! Thank you cousin Leslie! A couple nights ago I did my usual nightly check on Maddox before I went to bed and I found her precariously perched on the edge of her bed. It's a good thing that pillow is still there between her table and bed!
Yesterday while getting ready for church Jeremy was shaving and I was drying my hair. When I turned off the hair dryer I thought--Hmm, it's awfully quiet in this house. Wonder where Maddox is? I found her at the kitchen table scooping sugar out of the sugar bowl with her fingers and eating it. She had sugar all over her face, the floor, her dress, and her hair. She had just taken a shower so she had to have another little spit bath. No, she really wasn't wired after that. We dropped her off at Sunday school for two hours though, so maybe I missed it.