Tuesday, November 25, 2008

9 months

We went to get our family picture taken last week and Maddox smiled for EVERYTHING! Quite the opposite of her 6 month shoot. There were only about 3 pictures that she blinked and couldn't be used. The rest we had to choose from, and they were all good smiles. So here's the two we chose and the rest are all gone (sob sob). I tried to have a bit of self control about the whole thing. She was so cute though!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Movie day

Updated with correct videos......

This is how her Dad entertains her. Who says you actually need to know how to play the guitar to have fun. Maddox enjoys it! And it's always amusing to hear what Jeremy comes up with!

This is the one thing she seems to be afraid of. I know, it's mean, but it's so cute and funny! Hopefully she'll like it when she's older.

And this last one is the proof that she is finally crawling in the conventional, normal way. Not backwards, or just her hands and no knees. Crawling under the piano bench to bump her head, crawling to the front door to check things out, and crawling all over to follow me around while I vaccuum. She has crawled about 3 feet here and there in the past couple of weeks, but she's now going wherever she wants all the time. She's still slow but it still buys me some time to beat her to whatever she's not supposed to have.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Early Christmas plus some

We had a bit of an early Christmas here. I bought Maddox an activity table, actually a piano, off of ebay and since she's learning to stand NOW, we went ahead and gave it to her. By Christmas she may not need it to practice so we'd have been to late.
The look on her face when she saw what was really in the box and it wasn't just paper for her to play in.
Checkin' her new toy out . . .

Here she is in her makeshift toy box. (Used to be our coffee table full of our books, now it's hers.)
We watched Grady for a couple of hours yesterday. It's fun to watch the two interact now that they're getting more similar in their abilities. They sat on the floor and passed a toy back and forth for a good five minutes, each one only getting about 5 seconds with it each time. It was cute.And here's just some random pictures:

Silly girl!

Oh yeah, she had her 9 month check up this week. She's 28 inches long (75%ile), 16lb 15 oz. (25%ile), and her head is around 50%ile. All is good!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pulling up

Maddox is now interested (all the time) in pulling up. We finally had to lower her crib when I went in and found her on her knees pulling up to peek over the edge. So loves to practice this so much that she gets mad when we don't hold her hand so she can stand up. Anywhere and everywhere. All day long. . .

I had to work all day Mon. and Tues. so she got lots of practice there pulling up on the toy box and pulling out toys.
I also got my hair cut yesterday. I found this great chick to go to and all I do is give her my "rules" (easy to fix with just a hair dryer, it really enjoys lying flat, etc . . .) and tell her to do whatever she wants. It'll grow back if I don't like it. I've been twice and she's done a good job twice. And it's only $18! Today I just washed it and then left to go to Jenn's house and this is how it looked drying on it's own. Pretty decent. I still have some playing to do with the cut.
It's 75* here, I'm going outside to read and after naps we're going to a new park!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We went trick-or-treating at the mall last night since Maddox is a little young to be walking around the neighborhood in the dark.

"I'm all ready, let's go!"
We took a break to eat dinner. She'd already eaten so she checked out her goodies.
Here she is showing you her favorite goody. She's into ripping up junk mail for me. Especially Obama ads for some reason. Of course, that's all we seem to get lately.
When we got home we let her sit down her with basket and check it all out. She may have had no idea what she was doing at the time, but she liked the results. Stuff to pull out and dump all over the floor, what more could she ask for!?
After she checked it all out, Jeremy and I checked out an Extreme Sour Warhead. It takes a lot of sour for me to have a strong reaction but GEEZ, this was sour! So I made Jeremy try the other one after I got the camera out. Here's his reaction (I'm sure mine looked the same, I couldn't control my right eye for a good 5 minutes):

Well, we had a long night last night. She couldn't sleep at all by herself. She ended up in our bed by 1am. Highly unusual. I'm hoping this means she's teething or something. As I type she's sitting here screaming on my lap so I guess we better head to naps. Whee!